Attractive prices

Attractive prices

No hidden costs, payment at the hotel.

Sustainable travel

Sustainable travel

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5712 Beinwil am See, Seestrasse 71
Look at the map
The Beinwil Youth Hostel has eight family rooms, with bunk beds downstairs for two children, and parent accommodation upstairs in the gallery. The accommodation is so comfortable that no-one complains about the showers not being on the same level. There is a beach area immediately adjacent to the youth hostel and with free admission for youth hostel guests. If you enjoy discovering the attraction of a beautiful, tranquil location, this is exactly the right spot for you. Free WiFi Access. The published prices include the daily membership of Swiss Youth Hostels and Hostelling International. Tourist tax is excluding.

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Features Back to top

Internet Free
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Non-smoking hotel
  • Particularly quiet location
  • Garden/park area
  • Public restaurant
  • Vegetarian food
  • Hotel-own car park
  • Conference room
  • Play room
  • WiFi (free of charges)

Information Back to top

Check-in time from 17:00

Check-out time until 10:00